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Managing a Contracts Team Remotely: Strategies for Success in a New Era of Work

Remote work is not going away, and for many contracts teams, it may even be the preferred way of working

Managing a Contracts Team Remotely: Strategies for Success in a New Era of Work

The shift to remote work, accelerated by the global pandemic, has transformed the way organisations function, and contract management teams are no exception. For many, what began as a temporary solution has evolved into a long-term strategy. But managing a contracts team remotely comes with its own set of challenges—ensuring accountability, maintaining seamless communication, and keeping projects on track can be difficult when teams are dispersed across different locations.

So how can organisations adapt to this new way of working? Here’s how to lead a contracts team remotely while maintaining productivity, ensuring collaboration, and nurturing team cohesion.

1. Communication is Key, But Overcommunication is Not

In an office environment, spontaneous conversations often help resolve issues quickly. When teams work remotely, those moments of informal interaction are lost, leading to a potential breakdown in communication.

The solution lies in structured, clear communication, but the trick is to strike a balance. Bombarding your team with messages, endless video calls, or frequent check-ins can be counterproductive. Instead, establish a predictable rhythm. Set regular team meetings that have clear agendas and dedicated channels for urgent issues.

Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom have become ubiquitous in the remote work environment, but knowing when to use them and how often is crucial. Encourage your team to use these platforms effectively—quick messages for clarification, scheduled meetings for in-depth discussions, and shared documents for ongoing collaboration.

Tip: Introduce “asynchronous” communication, where team members update each other without needing everyone online at the same time. This can be particularly useful for contracts teams that might need to work across different time zones.

2. Empowering Teams through Clear Processes and Technology

One of the biggest obstacles to remote work is ensuring that everyone is on the same page, especially when it comes to managing multiple contracts, deadlines, and compliance obligations. Remote work makes it more important than ever to have a clear process in place that everyone follows.

Adopting a comprehensive contract management system (CMS) can centralise all documents and workflows, ensuring that no contract is overlooked, and everyone knows where to access essential information. Platforms like Complete CLM allow teams to manage the entire contract lifecycle, from drafting to signing, remotely.

Tip: Make sure that each member of your team knows their role and responsibility in the process. Having standardised templates, workflows, and approval processes means less back-and-forth and fewer misunderstandings, especially when team members are not physically together.

3. Fostering a Culture of Trust and Accountability

Remote work challenges traditional ways of monitoring performance. You can’t always see your team’s day-to-day activities, but this doesn’t mean micromanaging is the solution. Instead, focus on outcomes, not hours worked. Set clear objectives and trust your team to meet their deadlines.

Accountability can be reinforced through regular check-ins, where team members can report on progress, discuss challenges, and seek feedback. But make these check-ins solution-oriented rather than interrogative. A culture of trust encourages employees to take ownership of their tasks and be proactive in resolving issues.

Tip: Encourage self-directed work while ensuring visibility through shared dashboards or project management tools like Trello, Asana, or These platforms allow managers to track progress without constantly intervening.

4. Maintaining Team Morale and Cohesion

Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation, which can affect morale. Keeping your team engaged and connected is vital, especially for teams that deal with high-pressure tasks like contract negotiations and compliance.

Create opportunities for social interaction, whether through virtual coffee breaks or informal chats. Recognise and celebrate achievements, no matter how small. Simple acts like acknowledging someone’s work in a team meeting or giving a shout-out in a group chat can go a long way in making employees feel valued.

Tip: Invest in team-building activities that are tailored for a remote environment. Virtual escape rooms, trivia games, or even just a casual “end of week” hangout can help to recreate some of the camaraderie of office life.

5. Upskilling and Professional Development in a Remote World

The legal and contractual landscape is constantly evolving, and remote work shouldn’t hinder professional development. Provide your team with access to online training, webinars, and certification programs to ensure they stay up to date with the latest industry trends and regulatory changes.

Consider developing a mentorship or buddy system within your team to facilitate peer learning. This can help less experienced members of the team grow, even if they’re not working side by side with their colleagues.

Tip: Create a shared knowledge base where team members can easily access training materials, templates, and best practices, fostering a learning environment even from a distance.

6. Managing Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance

One of the most significant challenges of remote work is the blurred boundary between home and work life. For contract teams dealing with strict deadlines and complex negotiations, this can quickly lead to burnout.

It’s essential to encourage a healthy work-life balance. This might mean setting clear expectations about working hours, discouraging late-night emails, or encouraging your team to take time off when needed.

Tip: Lead by example. If you’re constantly online and responding to messages after hours, your team will feel pressured to do the same. By respecting boundaries and promoting flexibility, you can ensure your team remains productive without compromising their wellbeing.

The Future of Contract Management is Remote-Friendly

Remote work is not going away, and for many contracts teams, it may even be the preferred way of working. By focusing on clear communication, leveraging the right technology, fostering accountability, and maintaining team cohesion, you can successfully manage a contracts team from afar.

While the transition to remote work comes with challenges, it also offers opportunities. For contracts teams, the ability to work flexibly, tap into global talent, and adopt digital solutions can transform the way they operate—bringing efficiency and agility to an industry that thrives on precision and control.

The future of contract management is remote-friendly, and with the right strategies in place, it can be just as effective, if not more so, than the traditional office-based approach.

Managing a Contracts Team Remotely: Strategies for Success in a New Era of Work

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